Home Construction and Remodel

For whom it may concern,

My name is Joe Ayala and I’ve been a high school teacher for the past 30 years. The first 20 years was teaching shop and the last ten teaching algebra. I’ve always believed in maintaining a well balanced life between work, play, and family.

It wasn’t until I decided to simultaneous refurbish an existing rental and build my dream home when my ambitions perhaps overpowered my common sense and my life was basically unbalanced. This was about the time when I met Mr. Carl Pfeiffer.

I told him that I had plenty of work, but that at times he would have to wait for his pay disbursements. For some unknown reason, he accepted the offer and that’s when because of Carl I started to breathe again.

Prior to meeting Carl I had to closely supervise my help. This was not the case when Carl arrived. To my surprise Carl did what he said he was going to do and for what he didn’t know, he would research at home and offer a solution the next day. I can’t emphasize enough what his talents did for us when we were trying to convince building code inspectors why we at times could repair a fault or two with alternative methods and still meet the codes.

Carl was more than capable in handling responsibility he was convincing and credible. He quickly became our representative. He became our “go to guy” the person on the team to lead and educate! Carl can do it all, “quality work and on time.”

Within my lifetime, the individuals that I can match up to Carl’s potential in construction are like what Ben Hogan was to golf or what Frank Lloyd Wright was to architecture.

As long as this young man stay’s focused with a sincere purpose greatness will be his … but he will need as some point in time a real reason to move forward.
Sincerely yours,
Joe Ayala

Angie’s List Contractor

Craftsman Connection, LLC has received the Angie's List Super Service Award in multiple categories in 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018.